PICKSOL SS is a ready to use, Excellent Electrolytic Cathodic Pickling Solution for the Pickling of Steel parts. It gently removes the scale and clears the welding spots with care. It does not let corrosion embrittlement which often happens using traditional acid based pickling solutions. It removes oxide scales and rust spots also. The surface is fully Activated and gives the best Adhesion, hence there can never be a chance of Peeling Off when plated. PICKSOL SS is completely FUMELESS which helps in reducing the cost of treating acidic fumes and eliminates unnecessary health hazards. PICKSOL SS pickling process can be done at a stretch of upto 8 minutes continuously if required without any embrittlement. The component pickled is highly activated with best adhesion properties and ready for subsequent Platings.
Kemitreat MSE is a highly effective cleaner for ferrous metals with chelating action. Removes heavy oil and greases with rapid penetration action. Has a long life.
Kemitreat ZCE is a electrolytic cleaner for both ferrous and non ferrous metals. Is ideal for Brass and Zinc die casting parts. Gives excellent cleaning without attacking the base metals.
Kemitreat BCE is a chelated electrolytic cleaner for Brass and Copper alloys. Can be used both for anodic and cathodic cleaning. Ensures good adhesion for electroplating.
Kemitreat SSE is a heavy duty electrolytic cleaner to remove light rust, dirt and soil from steel.